Considering an integrated


I’ve been thinking about downsizing my system but am concerned about SQ. I would like to get an all in one integrated (or receiver). New or (slightly) used, tube or SS. It would need a built in phono section (LOMC) and a headphone amp/ jack. I have a budget of maybe up to $10k  but would consider going higher if need be. I want to part with everything but my speakers (Zu Def 4), TT and CD player. Obviously I don’t need much power. My concern is mainly the phono section. Sound now is glorious with virtually no ticks or pops. Do you think it’s possible to achieve the same (or better) SQ with a built in phono stage?  

Current setup;

Art Audio Carissa (16 wpc)

Art Audio dm- vps

Art Audio Vinyl One


Showing 1 response by jjss49

many many great integrateds out there

finding one with a really good lomc phono stage built in significantly narrows the field... maybe to zero...