Considering a change. Avantgarde for Wilson.

Have owned Avantgarde Duos for two years. Bass to die for.
Bright up top. Maybe just a bit glarry. Been reading and
wondering if a change to Wilson Puppy's would be good.
Am I "BMW" owner looking at a "Mercedes"? Or, am I just
a spoiled brat? Hit me, Guys.

Showing 1 response by larryi

As others have noted, these are quite different speakers. Both can be quite fussy about setup and precise location. But, if your overall concern was with excessive brightness, there is no question that the Wilsons would be the wrong direction. Add to that, the difficulty of driving the Wilsons with Lamm amps. The 93 db/w efficiency of the Wilsons, while fairly high, hardly tells the story. These are quite difficult speakers to drive.