Conrad Johnson vs. Audio Research - Sonic Comparison Impressions

Hello all...and Happy New Year!

After getting some great input from several forum members (jafant, oblgny & prof), I wanted to get some opinions from you all regarding the sonic differences, in general, between these two fine manufacturers.  For example, between them, which sounds warmer/revealing, which is more laid-back/has more speed, which has a better bottom-end/has more up-top, etc.  

Reason I'm asking is that my current speakers are Thiel CS-3.5's, which I enjoy immensely.  However, while my integrated is doing a fine job of driving them (160 watts @ 4-ohms), I know that getting them better amplification (not just more watts) will open them up even more.  Also, I do think that getting some tubes in the system will help tame some of the brightness I get with some of my CD's and digital files, as the Thiel's can be ruthlessly revealing at times.  I am somewhat hesitant to switching to an all-tube system, as I really enjoy the speed and "slam" afforded by solid-state gear, not to mention the relative "worry-free" operation.  But, I do not deny the lush musicality that tubes can bring...that almost vinyl-like sound no matter the source.  Count me among the conflicted, I suppose.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions...Enjoy the music!



Showing 1 response by nkonor


Theil 3.5s were my 1st truly High End speakers. Reference speakers IMO.
I have driven them with Forte’ class A electronics and Spectral. Both were fine. Never had Tubes; so cannot really comment.
Owned my pair for 8 years and used / not used the bass equalizer.
Decided that w/o the equalizer; that they were more transparent.

My Forte’ amps are 75w CL A and did very well in a 15’ X 15’ Room.

When I moved to a room 23’ X 35’ the Thiels needed more power. The Spectral amps at 200w were “Magical” ; Some kind of synergy going on there.

This hobby is about your preferences. Room size will dictate power requirements. Everything upstream of your Thiels will make a difference. Get the best you can afford. The midrange of the 3.5s ; “Is to Die For”

Best to you on your Journey