Conrad-johnson TC5 or Cary SLP 05 ?


Little down to choose between these two. Which one would sound better? The rest of the gears are Sony SCD 1, VTL monoblocks, and Paradigm floor standing. Also the consider durability. No chance for home audition.


Showing 1 response by jeffreybehr

Kiwi...I dind't know that preamps need to be in two boxes to be 'proper' designs. Seems to be that's simply wrong. There are hundreds of FINE preamps built in one box out there. Also, the CT-5's output impedance of 800 Ohms isn't 'high', its more like 'medium'. There are lots of preamps out there with OIs of more than 2000 Ohms. THOSE preamps demand attention to the cable and poweramps they're driving.

And this 'issue' about signal polarity is just silly. Just once, when you install the preamp in your system, need you pay any attention to this. Once the speakers are reconnected, you jsut forget about it.

Mesael, pick the preamp you want, but the 'issues' above ought not to be considerations for you. C-j makes EXCELLENT-sounding preamps and has for decades. Here's mine.
