Conrad Johnson PV12 AL

Conrad Johnson PV12 AL.

I've heard so much about this Pre when it's modded, that I'm looking for one to modify. Can anyone who owns one, or has owned one shed some light on this Preamplifier.

Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by orpheus10

I want to thank Carmenc, Hifiman, and Erik for responding. I know capacitors have vastly improved since the first PV12, and that's why I'm looking into these modifications. I have a schematic of the PV12, and it looks like the diodes could stand an upgrade as well since there are some faster diodes; Shotsky or something like that is the name, that are used by Musical Design.

"Musical Design"; is close to me, and they do a lot of mods. If they are still in business I'll give them a ring. I plan to rebuild the PV12 if I ever get one. It's incredible how much improvement you can get if you're a technician, and can do good soldering work. The biggest problem I've ran into is finding room for those huge new caps, that I use to replace the electrolytic capacitors.

Once you find an old amp with a good design, it's simply a matter of finding enough room for new parts.

Enjoy the music.

Erik, you seem to be quite an expert on these modifications. Right now I'm looking at a schematic of the PV-12; I've already replaced the electrolytic capacitors with Black Gates, when they were still selling them. Which capacitors do you suggest replacing? I had good luck in a speaker crossover with top of the line Jensen poly caps. The PV-12 I'm looking at wont work unless I get a transformer.

I imagine you have a schematic as well; are there any specific caps that you recommend replacing, I always use the same value and voltage of course.

BTW I e-mailed Chris, and told him that you recommended him; I even got a reply; this is just the beginning.

Those of us who are handy with a soldering iron can go a long way on improving most components in our rigs.

Good luck on all your future mods.