Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.


Some companies have gone on after their founders, Audio Research and McIntosh are two examples. But with CJ there doesn't seem to be a plan unless some conglomerate is willing to buy them out. Also correct me if I'm wrong the partner Lew Johnson passed away a few years ago.
Excellent great sounding gear.

I use a Premier 14 and Premier 11a in my main system and a Premier 15 series 2 phono in the second system
i can't afford it either, .  i did the hardest thing, I saved a tiny bit each week, every bill i would handle over a 10 spot would get put away, i did without, food, beer, fun many a night just to save that 20 bill, or 50 bucks. I saved for about 4, just under 5 years this way.

took me a long time of agony of saving, but in the end, when it was time to shop, and my purchases FINALLY showed up, it was a magical feeling.