Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.



Showing 1 response by johnlnyc

I looked into a new C-J preamp when recently upgrading my system For years I have been using and enjoying a C-J PV-10-A (once their entry level pre) into a Krell KST100.
The C-J has been very nice (a steal at the then price of $1K).
 Given the rapid advance into the digital age my take is C-J is staying somewhat "old school" (not bad at all). A new C-J pre plus a DAC would be ideal but pricy. I went with Audio Alchemy DDP-1.
Nice web site for C-J--they are a very fine and "classy" operation.