
I just replaced my Nakamichi PA7II amp and CA7A preamp with a Hegel H30 amp and P30A preamp. I have a couple of tape decks in my system and the CA7A had jacks on the back for recording and playback. The P30A has just input connectors on the back, no record jacks. I don't really do a lot of recording these days so it is not that big of a deal but I was wondering if someday I did want to record to my reel to reel deck, is it possible with the P30A?



Showing 1 response by audiotroy

yes take your pre out and plug them in to your rec in you cant touch the volume while recording 


or split the outputs from your sources taks one set to the hegel and another set to a switch box ad take the output of the switchbox to your rec in.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

40 year industry veterans