Connecting Airport Express to 802.11g LAN

I've had a wireless LAN (Microsoft wireless router) for more than two years. Works like a champ. I would like to ad an Airport Express so that I can stream from my computer to my stereo system. I'm not using the Airport base station. I've read the instructions but can't get it to work. The setup utility offers to set up or modify a base station with no other setup options. Can anyone turn on the light for me?

Showing 1 response by armstrod


If you can get the URL for the an Internet radio station, iTunes will play it. Go to Advanced|Open Stream and paste or type in the URL. After it's playing you can find the entry in your library and transfer it to a separate playlist if you like. I've done this for all my local stations that stream, and a few others that aren't in iTunes Radio.

If you only have a playlist for a station, edit it in any text editor and the URL will be buried inside. Then follow the instructions above.

The only exception is if the stream is in a format iTunes can't handle, like AACplus. One of our local stations uses it and I have to use VLC to play it.
