Connect Cassette Deck to a Computer?

Anyone know how to connect a Cassette deck to a computer? I need to burn a CD of some songs I only have on cassette tape. However, I have no idea of how to connect the tape deck, what cords are needed. The cassette deck is a Denon with RCA outputs only. My computer is a powerful Dell with Windows XP Professional, it has lots of paralell ports and USB ports. I'm assuming this is possible. Help appreciated, no idea where to start.

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Thanks Albertporter and Horseface for your patient and detailed responses, really appreciated. I've established contact with the right cord, which was lying around and came with something. Now I'm trying to figure out what will do the recording on Windows XP Professional. May buy Nero is I don't find something shortly. So far I'm only findin a recorder that records 60 second clips and doesn't pick up the sound anyway, useless.