"could anyone point me to a resource that will help me with the questions I have concerning the files?"
I don't know if I am actually helping you by giving you this website. www.computeraudiophile.com is the address. If you are looking for technical info regarding anything computer audio related, you will definately be able to find what you need. There's tons of stuff on Oppo.
Be warned. A good portion of the people on this website are absolutely crazy. I've never seen more negative, arrogant, jackass stupid people when it comes to audio. You just have to see it to believe it. In short, there is a war between people who are on the subjective side of things vs people that are objective. It sounds innocent enough but its very easy to get sucked into this whole mess and not realize it. I mention this because they take people who have a good attitude and enjoy this hobby and try to wreck audio for them.
Its a good resource for technical and factual info. But when it comes to getting info on things like setup and equipment selection, you're in the wrong place.
I know my post here may sound very odd to many people, but like I said before, you have to see it to believe it.
"could anyone point me to a resource that will help me with the questions I have concerning the files?"
I don't know if I am actually helping you by giving you this website. www.computeraudiophile.com is the address. If you are looking for technical info regarding anything computer audio related, you will definately be able to find what you need. There's tons of stuff on Oppo.
Be warned. A good portion of the people on this website are absolutely crazy. I've never seen more negative, arrogant, jackass stupid people when it comes to audio. You just have to see it to believe it. In short, there is a war between people who are on the subjective side of things vs people that are objective. It sounds innocent enough but its very easy to get sucked into this whole mess and not realize it. I mention this because they take people who have a good attitude and enjoy this hobby and try to wreck audio for them.
Its a good resource for technical and factual info. But when it comes to getting info on things like setup and equipment selection, you're in the wrong place.
I know my post here may sound very odd to many people, but like I said before, you have to see it to believe it.