Confused newbie

I'm trying to get back into vinyl after almost 30 years. My strategy is to get an entry level TT/arm/cartridge less than $2K (new) & trade up after learning enough. The more I dig, the more perplexed I am. Seems every mfr has got some kind of an entry level system these days- Clearaudio, VPI, Basis, Nottingham... & they all sound good (compared with CDs).Here in Hong Kong dealers don't carry multiple brands so no way to A/B test. It's tough trying to remember if the Clearaudio Champion I heard 2 days ago was better /worse than the Basis 1400 I hear today. More confusing is that the 'next' model up is invariably SO much better (you should hear the difference between a Kuzma Ref vs Kuzma Stabi S.!)that I'm constantly tempted to up the ante which I don't want to & shouldn't. I settled on a 'safe' choice: Rega 25 w/Super Elys & then I started hearing things like "inconstant speed problems ; you need VTA adjustment...". I switched to a Basis 1400 & people started telling me "acrylic is bad, get one with a granitelike plinth, it'll resell better". What should I do ? :-(

Showing 1 response by edle

Go and get yourself a used Micro Seiki turntable(Model 1500,3000,5000). This is what high quality turntable should look like!!! A very famous recording engineer/CD company owner once had a VPI something(US$3000), when one of his friend wanted to trade his Micro Seiki(Model 1500) for the VPI. The recording engineer immediately said yes. And now he is a very happy man. When compare to the Micro Seiki, the VPI is a complete JOKE !!!!!
*Forget all the new turntables, they all are over-priced and underconstructed. Feather light platter, cheap motor, not very high grade bearing and motor/platter/every things in one chassis. Tell me, where is all the vibration goes to!!!!!