Confused newbie

I'm trying to get back into vinyl after almost 30 years. My strategy is to get an entry level TT/arm/cartridge less than $2K (new) & trade up after learning enough. The more I dig, the more perplexed I am. Seems every mfr has got some kind of an entry level system these days- Clearaudio, VPI, Basis, Nottingham... & they all sound good (compared with CDs).Here in Hong Kong dealers don't carry multiple brands so no way to A/B test. It's tough trying to remember if the Clearaudio Champion I heard 2 days ago was better /worse than the Basis 1400 I hear today. More confusing is that the 'next' model up is invariably SO much better (you should hear the difference between a Kuzma Ref vs Kuzma Stabi S.!)that I'm constantly tempted to up the ante which I don't want to & shouldn't. I settled on a 'safe' choice: Rega 25 w/Super Elys & then I started hearing things like "inconstant speed problems ; you need VTA adjustment...". I switched to a Basis 1400 & people started telling me "acrylic is bad, get one with a granitelike plinth, it'll resell better". What should I do ? :-(

Showing 1 response by caterham1700

My recommendation would be to look into the Nottingham Interspace and a Rega RB250 arm, Dynavector 10X4 II cartridge and the best phono stage you can afford.
The P 25 is a fine table and excellent value but lacks some dynamics. The Basis, VPI and Clearaudio do some exceptional things with tonality and visual/staging qualities but neglect pace and rhythmic qualities doing so.The emphasis is on sound rather than music ,imo.
The Kuzma is definately a contender to consider,tho, esp if your taste runs toward timbral/textural and tonal. It does so and still manages to maintain decent if not extraordinary PRaT(pace, rhythm and timing).
The Nott can do it all, is easy to set up, maintain and use. It's enormously engaging and expressive.The sound is big and muscular,liquid yet taut, refined yet fun.Maybe not the last word in detail extraction but goes straight to the heart of the performance.