
Ok guys,after many nights of researching on a separate phono pre,i know if i have $700,the best choice is EAR 834P,but unfortunatly i can only spend 3-400 at the moment,and there are just too many choices and the more i read about them,the more i get confused.i am narrowing it down to only a few.
1, monolithic ps1&Hc1
2, clearaudio basic
3, stick with the internal phono til i can get the EAR 834p
i have a clearaudio level II,mod RB300 arm, benz glider (.82Mv) guys

Showing 1 response by psychicanimal

My vote is for the Monolithic Sound PS1/HC1 combo. A good, trustable source tells me it is better than the PS2. It will definitely be quieter than the EAR and it is a smaller/cheaper relative (circuit topology wise) of the classic Klyne phono stages.

With the money saved you coul get a decent power cord, some cones and exotic wood blocks. Think about it...
