This will be my last post here.
@edwyun, If you read my post correctly, the ADS is not working fine. I posted that in the 33rpm mode when the adjustment knob was in it's center (neutral/VPI calibrated ) position, I had to turn it left...meaning it ran (fast) in it's factory calibrated setting. (Why is that so hard to comprehend?)
I've had one on one emails with Mat recently. He, (IMO) is not personally invested in the company. I really don't think he has a passion for music in general.
I told him that I will not call on his company in the future for anything. I hope he can realize his passion for teaching and transfer the operation of VPI to someone who has a passion for music.
I will never visit this site again.
As I said before, I'll never buy a VPI product again.
I hope a VPI representative will (man up) and post here.
I wasn't informed as to what this issue was. I wasn't contacted at all during the time they received the unit until almost two weeks later I inquired an update!
Their whole scenario is SUSPECT.
Frankly, I thought I was doing well, at this point, to even get some sort of customer service!
I just want to listen to music. I thought I'd be able to do so with a well reviewed tt by all of the press with this table.
It seems to me, even more now, that I was still, taken advantage of.
With the outpouring of (love) ....IE: inviting you over and such, after your previous posts... and your gushing over their new customer service..
With this sort of customer satisfaction, it would seem to me that I'd least an email or a call asking how the new ADS is performing?
Something just doesn't add up?
I smell an effort to discredit my posts.
In the end, I can, and will post all of the communications I've saved between myself and the VPI representatives, if required. I did not know that this would be necessary.
What ever anyone's conclusions are, I will never be a VPI buyer in the future.
Frankly, my Townshend table is SO much more musically involving, I'm not wanting to replace it for the VPI Classic 3 Sig SE anytime soon. In the end, I know I will have to. UGH!
Wow!.. what a 180?
You were THE main detractor, now you seem to have forgotten (your past)?
I'm fine with forgiveness, after re-reading your posts here, your quick turn-around, while all well and good, doesn't acknowledge your posting history at all.
You must have some divine power bolstering you?
Are you "incredibly impressed" because your issues are finally being addressed? Does this post by you leave us feeling that in spite of your past opposite feeling, that you now have somehow forgotten this and have wiped it all away from your memory banks?
I ask this in this time of "fake news".
If the ADS fails long term, and no service is forth-coming, I now have a great option to pursue.
Your offer, while appreciated, was obviously too late. (Check the dates on the posts)
I hooked up the ADS and all seems well for now. The tt is out of my system and not in (listening use). The vibration for now, is absent.
If I'm correct in that VPI has or will be discontinuing the SDS, it seemed that accepting the ADS was a better option at the time. Again, no one offered an explanation.
Upon testing the speed accuracy, in 33rpm mode, I had to lower the knob to the left from center, using my "Timeline" to get proper speed. If this continues when I put the table back into my system, I'd say their factory setting is off.
If the SDS is being phased out, it didn't make much sense to keep it. If the SDS is being phased out, I pity the ones who purchased it at it's current raised price.
Your initial response that stated your impressions of how one could, or in this case, one's family business could be affected years after their loved one's have passed in a way that could continually be a negative affect on their prized customers years later, seems to me to lead one to assume that (you) have a better "read" on these types of issues more than most. I could only assume this led you to respond in the way you did. Your insight would lead me to believe that (you) are the enlightened one in the area of psychology?
I am just reporting on my long history, you injected another aspect that you now have to support.
With respect to your comment, a lovely comment, however not very applicable to any business model anyone would be likely to support if it weren't a high-end tt manufacturer who's customers represent a low # in regards to the musically inclined population vs, any other standard business model. I hope you come out of your depression soon.
Finally!! I have a tracking number for a (new) ADS. This is a replacement for my (suspected), faulty, SDS.
Without going into detail on all of the emails, VPI has just sent me a tracking # for a replacement item. To their credit, my faulty SDS was out of warranty. They did not have to send me a new unit. I initially asked to have my SDS repaired. After not receiving any other response, I inquired again. Now, they want to replace with an new ADS. After realizing that the SDS was not being manufactured any longer ((on my own)). I requested the new ADS.
To their discredit, they never really gave me a viable option. Their emails were vague and left me wondering their meaning.
After an email from Marc stating they would build a unit and ship it within two days...that two day window turned into almost two weeks without hearing a word. Yesterday, I emailed again. Another apology and a promise to send the new unit w/ tracking # today. At around 2:30 EST, I emailed again. I finally received the tracking # today.
So to the person who said earlier, the loudest voice gets the best service...(something like that), not really.
Very SLOW service actually. I only hope the ADS performs well?
You'd think, since I kept the dealer's identity out of this discussion, they'd be more helpful. Not.
To my discredit, I've since purchased another (demo) product from them that was obviously defective (to their knowledge). I reported this. No answer.
My last email to Mat before this morning was on Dec 29th. Haven't heard a word since. Still hopeful.
Last thought was a bad capacitor in the SDS?
I felt like I was the bad guy in my last email with my dealer.
I'm just a another audio enthusiast like you.
I make mistakes. I probably made a mistake in my handling of this as well. (I do think, in the end, that more positives will come from it).
What I find is that I need to be open to other avenues of thought. If we are never challenged and aren't even open for another person's views, there will be no going forward in a positive way. I hope (I) can continue this way of thinking in the new year.
Peace |
These days, one never knows where we will find sources of wisdom that speak to our inner self.
I watched an interview with CBS's John Dickerson last night, speaking with Steven Colbert. There was a lot of wisdom in his reflections that spoke to me.)
Well said. My posting this thread has caused me to reflect on this and hope others can step back and see the value of the outcome, positives and negatives and choose better approaches going forward. I appreciate your post as all others'.
Since the other day, Mat contacted me with a couple of other things to try so the arm may/may not be the culprit. For anyone interested in the final outcome, I'll post it here.
Thanks to all.
ewah, gigabit,
OK. You have had different issues that haven't gone on for such a long period.
As I've reported, Mat has responded, according to him, I'll be receiving a (new arm that he says will take care of all of my issues). This was after I sent him all of my past 10 months or so emails to my dealer w/ pictures.
This is a BIG thing! I wish I did not have to go to the measures I did but......
Mat is responding on Christmas Eve! So, while I still have concerns, he's stepping up to the plate.
I could micro-diagnose his late response but,... Why?
Let's all relax now, please?
I'll keep everyone posted.
After I sent my concerns/dealer emails from the past 10 months or so.... Mat responded quickly.
I just want everyone to know that it seems things will work out, eventually.
I was told by Mat I'd receive a new arm to try.. This may/may not address all of my issues. I asked about my speed issue, no response yet.
The wheels are turning. Sorry to say I had to go to these extremes.
Let's all calm down for now.
Merry Christmas!
Just sent most of my issues and messages to Mat.
A Blue Devil myself! |
...and a Happy New Year:) |
I'm glad you didn't listen to the "industry person" who suggested a higher retail price for the Prime.
I don't like the idea of "industry people" having (this sort of freedom) in the first place, "you can get away with it, they won't know the difference and that's more margin in your pocket". "paraphrased". Why are "they" contacting you personally to suggest your pricing??? I thought there was more "distance"? THIS is OUTRAGEOUS!
I appreciate your honesty but......
Your question was answered. |
I agree with you. Several issues I mentioned weren't answered as well.
However, right now I'm just happy to finally have a path forward to hopefully have my issues addressed. Mat, I will email you after the holidays.
I posted my questions quite a while back on their forums.
I remember reading of early runs of the 3D being "twisted".... dgarretson may have some insight here as I seem to recall him posting about this and Harry actually responded a while back.
A few months ago, another member asked about VPI’s motors on the "VPI Avenger" thread and Matt chose to quit responding.
I think it would be informative if anyone reading this that has a similar table/arm/protractor and would measure for themselves to check this distance.
I check mine with the arm removed, this seems to be the most accurate way.
I appreciate all of the responses.
I have posted questions/concerns on the VPI forums and have not had much luck so far.
I failed to mention another issue I have... the spindle to pivot distance according to Harry is 258mm, I'm measuring 260mm with my Feickert protractor. After posting this on their forums, I was asked to try loosening the arm mount bolts and the arm plate bolts and shift the assembly. This did not work. When I posted my results, I received no reply.
I also asked what cartridge geometry he uses for his own VPI gauge, again no response. I went on Vinyl Engine. There is a poster there who has a long and substantive post on cartridge geometries and offers printable set-up tools. He even remarked about Harry not revealing this. Why?
I've gone back to my dealer one more time for some help. Maybe after the holidays ......
Do you mean the dealer that VPI set up as part of their dealer network? Yes,. I agree with you.
Also of note... the alignment jig I received with my new table was warped. The center weight was not as one would expect when paying 5K for a new product. Those issues were eventually rectified through my contacting my dealer. I was sent new/better ones.
Why I had these issues from a well established company for their basic products is strange and not warranted.