Conditioning cds and dvds, before playing

Exceptional results, treating the label side, with a new Turtle Wax product.

It is called "Hybrid Solutions, Pure Shine Misting Detailer."  20 ounces for $20.        A real bargain in the audio world (!) and I'm a season away from trying it on cars. Simply spray onto the label side of the disc and wipe off. 

I am hearing incredible highs, smooth and detailed, and enhanced bass also.  There is greater depth, height, and width to the sound, while maintaining a natural presentation, bringing you closer to the music.


Showing 1 response by scott22

Here is something from  the  archives  that really works, sometimes, RainX used to bead rain on windshields is great for repairing scratched CDs! Place a drop or two on the CD and us a soft rag to buff it around, so long as the scratch is not real nasty It works!! I saved many CD over the years using RainX oh and it works on windshields as well.