Concert attendance

I realize for many people the concert season is just getting started, but this season seems a little different. The economy seems tighter and people are a little concerned about financial circumstances.
I have been to only one concert this year, but I do have tickets for a concert in August. I hope to go to more shows this year, but I don't have any plans right now.
Are you going to be attending as many concerts this year as you have in the past?

Showing 2 responses by sean

I went to see Arthur Lee of the band "Love" backed by a 15 piece orchestra last night. On the way there, i ran into three separate but very distinct problems. While none of these were major, i took it as "someone" trying to tell me that i wasn't supposed to see this show. I followed my "superstitious intuition" and went back home. I'm sure that i missed a once in a lifetime show, but that's not all i might have been involved with if i had continued on. I'm one of those people that thinks "everything happens for a reason".

Hopefully, my future outings will be a little more enjoyable : ) Sean
Wdhsvbgod: I saw Peter on what was the very first show of this tour at the tale end of last year. My girlfriend is a big fan of his and we ended up with front row seats. The show was very good. According to a local radio station that polled their audience, the show that we were at was voted best concert of 2002 !!! While i don't know if i would go that far, it was a very good show and far more entertaining than i thought it would be. Have a good time !!! Sean