Concerns purchasing Vintage System?

I'm looking at purchasing a system from a widow that hasn't been played in 20 years. What should I look for? What should I be worried about? I'm a newby to hi fi of the price range.
Audio Research d250
Audio Research d90
Audio Research sp10
Oracle Delphi
McIntosh MR80
Tandberg 3014
La scala
Magnepan MGIII
Also, is there any demand for a tape deck anymore? I have a hard time believing what people are asking for Tandbergs on ebay.
Are you looking to use this system, or just part it out for sale? Do they need to function as new, or do you just need to describe them as working?

The Audio Research components are classic and can be refurbished at the factory. The same goes for the Mac tuner, the turntable and the speakers. Shipping them back to the factory and the service can run into considerable money. Some people thought the Tandberg was the best cassette deck ever made. Unfortunately, high end cassette decks are about as complicated as consumer audio components can get and parts for Tandbergs can be hard to find. Plus there is a limited market of pricey cassette buyers.

Regardless of your intention, it comes down to price. Are you talking hundreds of dollars or considerably higher amounts?

I'll part out some of the pieces with hopes that it will cover what I want to keep.

I made an offer of $800. I figured it is a low ball offer. I'm prepared to pay more, maybe up to $2000.
The horns in a LaScala have no surrounds. Those are the only things behind the grille. The woofers will have a treated cloth accordian surround, which cannot rot. Getting to the woofers would be more trouble than it's worth. As long as you're not hearing any odd noises, don't mess with them. Regarding the electronics; just plan on at least replacing all the electrolytic filter capacitors in the power supplies, regardless of how they appear to the eye. Electrolyte dries up(impedance and ESR rise) over time, and caps often show no outward sign of defect.
I made an offer of $800. I figured it is a low ball offer. I'm prepared to pay more, maybe up to $2000.

If you get the whole package for around $800, there is no risk!!