Computer output to DAC, which route?

I have disbanded my main system because I am using my computer system more and more. I am going to purchase an outboard DAC for my computer, but I want to know something:
My computer comes equipped with COAX and TOSLINK outputs on the motherboard. Should I use one of those or use a DAC with a USB connection? WHat are the pluses and minuses of each way if any? I am using typical Altec Lansing speakers (good for what they are) but will probably move up to active Dynaudio monitors in the future. All music is sourced from itunes in either AAC or apple lossless formats.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by istanbulu

In my humble opinion going USB DAC is the only quality way.

Several USB DACs are out there. I'd like to suggest a conversation with Larry Moore and trial of his designed and manufactured Ultra Fi iRoc USB DAC... so simple and simply amazing...

especially when coupled to a quality USB cable (YES...vital) such as Ted Denney's Synergistic Research USB cable or Robert Schultz's Poboeima!!! USB cable and of course quality single-ended cables to the preamp.

Dollar for dollar (like a boxer: pound for pound) with a MacMini I have found nothing that compares.The complete transformation of the system this setup is on is nearly confounding. My adult kid just shakes his head in wonder as do several of my friends. This combination is eroding my faith in CDPs regardless of price.

I have no commercial or otherwise interest in the above firms or persons other than being a very pleased and happy customer.

All the best & happy listening,




Several USB DACs have their own independent power supply. For example, the Ultra Fi iRoc asych DAC takes care of the power supply "problem" you "identify" and its own power supply.

On the other hand,many serious technical and audio-experience problems are associated with spdif interfaces.

Happy listening!
