computer fan noise?

Had my current computer several years now I am totally sick of hearing the power supply fan noise it makes. Am I alone regarding this subject or does it drive you crazy too? considering buying new computer case to get a different fan noise. Any other suggestions?
I know there is a company that specializes in making silent fans. I cannot remember their name, but they make fans that are can hardly be heard in most situations.

I will try to find out the name of the company.

I am not sure how noisy they are, but I have seen new computer power supplies with high quality ball bearing fans that are supposed to be much quieter. A good high quality power supply usually runs about thirty to fifty bucks and is relatively easy to install. No need to replace the entire case. You may also think about buying some of the dynamat? sound absorbtion material and line the computer case.

As for the cooling fan on the actual cpu, they tend not to be made to very tight tolerances so it might be beneficial to replace that one with a newer one to see if it is more quiet. That would be a under ten dollar experiment.

The power compact lighting hood on my fish tank uses a standard computer fan, which I took apart and clipped the blades (a lot of the noise was from the blades scraping the outer edges) and lubricated with a teflon based oil. Worked okay for a couple of months.

I just did a computer power supply switch out, so let me know if you have any questions on how to do it.

Good Luck and Regards,
I'm with you. When you learn about a source for quiet computer fans, let me know. My office is my listening room.
Check out this website:

They specialize in fans and other computer cooling devices. Whatever you do, make sure you provide adequate airflow thru the case. Overheating is a major cause of computer failure.