Computer based system. Need advice on DAC.

I am moving to a computer based system using a Mac Mini as my source. So now I need a DAC. I was looking at the Jolida Glass FX III W, but now someone suggested the DSPeaker Antimode 2.0 for the DAC and room correction. Does anyone have advice on these two? The Jolida is available for about $550, the DSPeaker for about $900.

I am currently using Gallo Cl 4 speakers. I have an old Aragon 8008 three channel amp (using two of the channels) and an Aragon 28X preamp. I will probably be upgrading the amps, but not yet. I don't have a lot of spare $$$.

Showing 1 response by schubert

Thestyx, have any idea if the UD-301 can handle Symphonic Crescendos ? To my ear a lot of DACS can't .