Computer based music collection ??

Computer based music collection ??
I have read that people are getting away from cdp,ect and going to a computer based system??
How does this work and what are the pros and cons of this?
I was in a room a couple of years ago at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest that was set up with only a computer running it.
I wanted to talk to the person showing the room but they had allot of people in there and with so much to see so I wondered off.
I find this very interesting.
Would this be like hooking up a Ipod or something to your system?? Is this were music is going?

Showing 1 response by ecruz

I have about 300 cd's on a G5 Mac, it sends the signal via ethernet (it could be wireless, but I already had the ethernet line) to a stock Squeezebox v.3, to a Behringer DEQ, straight in to a pair of Nuforce amps, to a pair of Vandersteen 3A's. I control the volume with the Squeezebox remote.

Down the road I'll add a DAC between the Behringer and the amps and I'll get the Squeezebox modded by Bolder Cables.

Everything stays in the digital domain until it leaves the Behringer. I have access to 2500 plus songs without leaving my seat. I love the convenience and the sound.

I tried the Olive Musica, but the Squeezebox works & sounds better in my system.