Computer based music collection ??

Computer based music collection ??
I have read that people are getting away from cdp,ect and going to a computer based system??
How does this work and what are the pros and cons of this?
I was in a room a couple of years ago at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest that was set up with only a computer running it.
I wanted to talk to the person showing the room but they had allot of people in there and with so much to see so I wondered off.
I find this very interesting.
Would this be like hooking up a Ipod or something to your system?? Is this were music is going?

Showing 1 response by barrelchief


I have been looking into this, over the past year.

I actually purhased an Olive Opus when they were first released. I ended up selling it, as I was disappointed in its playback via analog outputs. However, in all fairness, I was comparing a $3K unit that was a one-box 500gb storage and cd player/burner against my reference $5.5K cdp.

In the little time that I spent with the Opus, my interest really grew with having my music accessable throughout my home via hd storage on a network. This technology rocks!

In talking to a local dealer and expressing interest in Sonos, he did some research and recently became a Sonos dealer. In the short amount of time that he has been getting familiar with the Sonos system, he is reporting very impressive feedback. I should also state that my dealer sells really nice gear and has good ears

I am going to demo the Sonos tomorrow and will report back.

I intend to use an external DAC from the Sonos in my 2-channel listening room (this is how the dealer has been demo-ing, as well.) The other smaller systems in my home will be fed via the Sonos' analog RCA outputs.

...details to follow.