Computer Audiophile Pocket Server -C.A.P.S. v2.0

I have a Bryston BDP-1 which I like a lot and can play without turning on any computer or connecting to the internet. Unfortunately it does not stream Pandora which I also like a lot. I will not be purchasing any Apple products so I would like to hear members' experience with Chris Connaker's Computer Audiophile Pocket Server -C.A.P.S. v2.0 as a quality sound streaming companion for the BDP-1. I am after two independent singular purpose machines that produce best possible sound, considering source limitations. Also interested in any other solutions similar to the C.A.P.S. Thank You

Showing 1 response by cdj123

I just build one with a large SS drive and have been ripping disks for the last three weeks. Computer Audiophile is a great website.