Component Advice for Small Room with Lively Surfaces

Would sincerely appreciate any recommendations and advice from the community for a system for a listening room in a new home. Here are the parameters:

  • listen mainly to classic rock from the '70s and '80s and enjoy a good, deep bass
  • room measures 15' W (along wall where components/speakers will be placed) x 14' L x 9' H
  • room has wood floors, glass on 3 sides and stone on the 4th side
  • fabric window shades are present on 2 of the glass sides
  • built-in wood album display built into one of the glass sides
  • want the ability to both spin vinyl and stream
  • budget up to $50k

After auditioning the MBL 116, N31 and N51, I was about to pull the trigger but am wondering if an omni would be the best choice for a room with these characteristics and my listening preferences? Unfortunately, I am unable to audition these components in my room. Would monitors work best or full-range floor standers?  I do appreciate a good, deep bass. Have to admit this is a very confusing and subjective process, yet I am wondering if anyone who has faced the same set of parameters has any thoughts?  Many thanks for any tips and advice you would be willing to offer. Very much appreciated.  
Thank you all for your feedback. All great advice which I am digesting now to make sure I have a compete grasp of all points. 
Duke, I am located about 25 miles north of Dallas.

Thanks again. Will be back again as soon as I am able.
In Texas you should check with Dave Thompson at Raven. They're somewhere in Texas too.