Completely restructuring my modest system..

I want to go from 5.1 to two channel by selling most of my gear and putting the money back into a better sounding two channel system.

I currently have:

HT Receiver: NAD T752

B&W 602 S3
B&W 600 S3
B&W ASW 650 sub
matching center...

I figure I'll have somewhere around $2500 if I sell it all. That's just a ballpark, but I'm not necessarily interested in selling all my gear. I just want to restructure in a way that's going to give me the most pleasing two channel possible.

I'm open to suggestions as long as I don't have to shell out much money. If I can save money, that'd be great, too.

All suggestions are appreciated.

Moderators, if I've posted this in the wrong forum, please feel free to move this thread.


Showing 1 response by gma952b

Dubzilla- the 70Watts for tubes is for playing loudly (well above 95dB peak) in a medium-sized room where you are 12+ feet distant, in my opinion. I have heard extraordinary results from as little as a 17W/channel EL-84 push-pull amp, and have reports that the 7 Watt Wavelength Audio amp is extraordinary if you are not going to play above 92 dB peak inside of 12 feet. Which is still loud enough to have to raise your voice to speak.

The units GMood recommends are excellent, along with Blue Circle amplifiers, I should mention. Lots of good choices nowadays. Play a wide range of music and recording-qualities to audition, even music/poor recordings you rarely listen to- a good amp, a good cable, etc improves them all IN THE SAME WAYS. I wish more reviewers would spin a really wide range of music to judge any component...

The NAD, if it's high power model, is probably very liveable- it would benefit from a better input signal, for which I find the best bang for the buck to be from Audio Magic interconnects, used on the CD player, assuming it is not used as just a transport. Then isolate the CD player on Black Diamond cones, next. Probably followed by some knid of power conditoning for electrically isolating the CD player.

Anyone agree? Don't keep up on power conditioners like I should, but this sequence of upgrades I think makes the most music, followed then by changing the amp, followed by the speaker wires someday, if necessary. Remember the Europas are a 4 Ohm load, so the power supply of any amp is important. Which is why I asked if the NAD had high power.

Green Mountain Audio