Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.

Interested in hearing about any comparisons between these two speakers, Thiel CS 2.4 and Vandersteen 3A Signatures, integration into rooms, ability to drive speakers, sound quality, any new updates or options that should be considered, etc.
Given the assumption that each speaker would be set up properly with the proper ancillary equipment, this is probably a chocolate and vanilla issue; however, to MY EARS, the Vandys are easier to integrate into an existing system. IOW, there is a wider range of gear out there that sounds more like what I want to hear. I prefer a more coherent, relaxed sound and to me, the Thiels are more analytical than I prefer.
With an incorrect amplifier match (I won't name any lest I start a war) I agree that Thiels CAN sound a little edgy or grainy BUT any speaker can be mismatched.

Also, and this is very important, it could be Thiels simply don't suit your preferences. There are some very popular speakers (again no names) that I would never buy because they don't please my ears.

Good luck.
I demoed both the Thiel and Vandys at a dealers showroom. To my ears in his room the Thiels were indeed more revealing but not pleasantly so. They also had a strange sounding bass. The bass was similar sounding to the base of the Soundlab U1s (somewhat bloated). Not horrible but not accurate either. I ended up with the 3A sigs which I incorporated with my 2WQ subs and model 5 X over. They image well and I believe have a very accurate tone for most instruments. Voices are outstanding. The 3A sigs even with stereo subs are not dynamic. If slam is your thing stay away from the 3A sigs. In my environment the 3As do not really open up until played at around 90 db and higher so keep this in mind as well. The only Vandy model with slam and resolution is the model 5A which I hope to own in the next few years unless something else at a similar price point comes along. Of course this is all just MHO. Everyone please keep in mind my comments on the Sondlabs and Thiels are from limited experience in unfamiliar rooms set up by persons other than myself. The Soundlabs were run with EL34 tube amps which is probably why the bass was not to my liking. I think the 3Asigs are a good value but just dont quite do it for me. The only way to know for sure is a demo in your room. Hope this helps.
Over the holidays my audio and music loving friends came up for the weekend and we listened at relatively high levels to my CS6s for hours on end playing much vinyl and enjoying the wonder of great music and sound. They have Vandersteen 5As and I do the same with them whenever I go to visit them. Neither speaker type, Thiel nor Vandersteen is harsh. I power mine with Krell, yes with the "harshest" of amps through the "harshest" of speakers. Can you imagine? Oh the humanity! And it all sounds so damn good, warm and detailed. Man, I must be doing something wrong.
Stevecham, I am making the same mistakes as you are. Spend at least 3-4 hours after work everyday listening to my CS7.2s. Not a harsh bone in their big pretty bodies. This in a SS system too. Smooth and real sounding speakers that completly get out of the way and let the music play.