Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.

Interested in hearing about any comparisons between these two speakers, Thiel CS 2.4 and Vandersteen 3A Signatures, integration into rooms, ability to drive speakers, sound quality, any new updates or options that should be considered, etc.
I agree these are very different sounding speakers. Personally, I could not live with either of them for more than a short period of time as the trade offs for each are too severe. Why not look into some other brands that split the difference in tonal quality, presentation, ease of use, etc.?
Chad n' Liz,
I don't think it's fair to stereotype Thiel's as harsh. The current Thiels, CS2.4s, and even the CS2.2s and CS 2.3s are extremely capable loudspeakers. It is this quality that, when not set up correctly, may result in the owner stating they are harsh. I think they are very fine speakers, and can, in the right setup be very musically satisfying indeed.
In general with ANY audio component, it is all about synergy with the rest of the system, and maybe most important, the room-acoustics. It blows my mind (not directing this at you) that all over the map people make blanket statments about this or that b/c it did not work out for them, or they heard it in a poorly setup dealer showroom, perhaps not even broken in...whatever.

There are lots of ways to get any speaker to sound harsh, and as you know, when you climb the resolution ladder, the source gear and room can make or break the overall result.
Well, I've lived with the Vandersteens and I have to agree with the messages so far.

I strongly preferred them to the Thiel 2.4, with the following caveats: the Thiels are the best finished and best looking speakers I have ever auditioned, if that's a consideration. I have also never heard better imaging than the 2.4. The Thiels were just too ruthless for me, and I found them somewhat fatiguing.
I think it is fair what I said, I said Thiels are more harsh and detailed compared to Vandy, I also think giving my opinion doesnt hurt anyone, I have equipment that doesnt always get positive feedback from others and it never bothers me....why does it bother you? Sometimes detail equalls harsh, sometimes musical can be boring it is just a matter of preference. Audibleguy asked for comparisons and thoughts about the 2 speakers, and those are both what I think.
Cool man, no bother(s) here. I loved my Thiel CS 2.2s but now moved on to Dynaudios for a change. I don't however agree that it is the Thiel that was harsh, probably some songs and associated equipment. I know they are revealing, and this means the owner needs to pay close attention to system matching. Vandy 3A Sigs are laid back, but also very capable and will probably be easier to design around, all things considered. FOr me, I like the up-front style of Thiel CS 2.2 to 2.4 maybe going deaf from all the years of loud music-lol.