Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms

I’m relatively new to the world of vinyl, listening seriously for probably only 2 years.  Of course, many big picture items (e.g. turntable, phono stage, cartridges) are discussed extensively on this forum, but I haven’t seen much discussion comparing different tonearms.  I would be interested to hear about different people’s experiences with different tonearms, mentioning the audible advantages and disadvantages of each tonearm, realizing that there is no perfect sound, although from what I read about others’ experiences, SAT tonearms may come closest, albeit at a very high price.  


Showing 2 responses by alan60

Just buy a Viv Labs Rigid Float, breaks all the rules but sounds glorious with any cartridge I have tried.

@drbond I have heard the Viv Labs against an SME V, SME V12, SME 309, Kuzma Stogi S 12", Kuzma 313 ref, Kuzma 4point 9" and 14". 

Whilst all these arms have there undoubted virtues, the Viv Labs does all that Hifi stuff but is just more enjoyable/musical to listen to.