I own a pair of the Argons, and recently auditioned the Focal Profile 908's (but not in my system).
Imo the two don't compare. The Argons are signicantly better in many ways. More dynamic range (the Focals sounded flat to me), punchier, much better imaging, more realistic sounding instruments and vocals.
Generally, I really like the Focal line-up. I listened to the Profile 918 (floorstanders) the same day and really liked them; those I'd put at about even with the Amphions - each had different strengths. But not enough to make me run out and replace the Argons, which I find to be a remarkable value, esthetically pleasing, well made, and excellent sounding across the very wide range of music I listen to.
I find it somewhat surprising the Amphion line doesn't get a lot more attention.