Comparing VTL ST85 or MB125s to Manley Snappers

Has anyone out there spent time with either of the VTL amps mentioned and a set of Manley Snapper monos? If so could you discuss the sound of the two different brands compared to each other. I am very familiar with the two VTLs and they do sound alike and understand the shared family history with the two company's. All these amps are EL34 based and am hoping that the Snappers share a lot of the VTL sound. What say you?

Showing 1 response by durkn

I’ve been considering both the VTL MB-125 & the Manley Snappers.

After looking into both, I saw that the Snappers have 180 joules of reserve power while the MB-125’s have over 200.

High energy storage power supply >200 joules.

Portly 180 Joule energy storage reservoir in the main B+ supply channel for explosive transient response and athletic musical stamina