Comparing PSB, Paradigm and Revel - your thoughts?

I've heard each of these separately but would like to get some comments from members about the overall house sound of each brand. The PSB Synchrony One and Imagine T2, the Paradigm Signature S6 and S8 and the forthcoming Revel F208 -- these are all of a reasonable price, come from very accomplished designers, reflect considerable research and engineering effort over many years, and also reflect manufacturing economies in their pricing. How would you characterize the brands sonically?
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Showing 1 response by liamowen

Manitunc,  I have a pair of PSB Stratus Gold i's and am thinking about getting a pair of used PSB Synchrony 1's.  I have heard the newst T3's and i think PSB went in the wrong direction with those; muddy bass, just bad sound overall.  Do you still have your Synchrony's?  I am curious how you found them better?
