Comparing Classe' Audio's DR9 with Krell's ksa300s

Has anyone out there lived with both a DR9 & a Krell ksa300s?

I realize they are two different cats, the DR9 being a 100 watt Class A/B amp and the KSA300s being a 300 watt pure Class A amp. I'm using a DR9 in conjuction with Audion Premiere 2 box Silver Night pre-amp, burning 6922 Siemen tubes, to drive 946 Focal Electra speakers.

I love the sound of the DR9 ... it is such a beautiful piece (it maybe time to have the caps tested), and even in my 13x12x8 room, I don't need more D/B's, I'm after more authority, as I feel the bottom end is audible, but could use a stronger hand. - - - Not more forward, more torque

To cut to the chase, for those of you out there who have used the DR9 & the 300s, Qu #1: how would you discribe their likenesses, differences, pro's/con's, and the nuances that distingues their characters.
Qu #2: Anyone ever use the ksa300s with a tube pre-amp .... & if so what's your verdict?

Showing 3 responses by thehorn

Thx Dave, thx S5.
Any idea Dave what Classe' dings ya for the referb work?

Hope to hear from KSA300s owners as well.

DR9's are not balanced, they are designed to operate in stereo & sound considerably more open, real, as well as transparent than they do in bridged mono even though they have the option to do so.

I bought my DR9's as a pair, and as much as I hated to part with one, after experimenting with them in stereo/mono it was a no-brainer that they are a superior sounding unit in stereo.

In mono, they sound a little flat, a little lifeless & not as involving. Funny thing is even though they have twice the power bridged, the amp does not have the same depth or the slam that it has in stereo due to the music sounding veiled.

I was told by two separate shop owners who sold DR9's that this was the case, but didn't buy it until I experimented for myself, and also found that the better the speaker the more obvious it became (Technic SB-100 - Roger Sound lab Elans - Focal Electra 926 - then Meadowlark Heron Hot Rods & now 946 Focal Electra's).

That said, after 27 years I recon the caps are getting kind of dry & a referb can't hurt.
There's a potential alternative Dave.
If you have the right set-up, bi-wire one amp in stereo to your woofers, & the other amp in stereo to your upper end.
Bit extravagant but no more so than mono blocks.

Any comments out there from the Krell 300s camp ?