Commonly mentioned speaker brands?

Are the brands most frequently mentioned simply the favorites of the kind of people who have the kind of taste that frequent a site like this, or are they generally recognized as superior brands?


Showing 1 response by arvincastro

While there are plenty of examples of manufacturers who rely on marketing and fluff more than solid engineering and performance to sell their products, I wouldn’t be too quick to absolutely dismiss them, especially the "usual suspects" with the "big names". When these big-name companies decide to put their considerable resources and engineering talent behind a product/model, the results tend to be very well-received by audiophiles and reviewers alike.

Also, having a robust dealer and service network, readily available parts and drivers and a history of legacy product support (especially important as speakers tend to last/are kept the longest) are certainly pluses that big-name companies usually bring to the table.

Happy Listening!
