Coltrane. Can we talk?

Can we talk about John Coltrane for a second? Does he kill anyone else or is it just me? I've been on a Coltrane binge for the last seven months and have listened to little else. Whomever sent this guy down here in the first place must have missed him to take him back so fast but HELLO! Do we love him or what?

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

kublakhan (great screen name!): no, i'm sure it ain't just you but, unfortunately, it doesn't include me. i have some coltrane stuff and i've tried, i really have, to embrace him. just not my cuppa'. after watching every single minute of ken burns' "jazz," tho, i have a greater understanding of coltrane's place in the cosmos. i do think it's wonderful to have a musical hero. stick to him and proselytize for all you're worth. that's how we learn. _kelly