Colapse to Hegel

dang, missed the 2nd l in Collapse :/

Speakers: Focal Aria 926
Thinking about moving from my Wadia 321 -->Rogue RP-1 (matched Mullards) --> PS Audio S300 to a Hegel Rost. Can get a good deal now on the discontinued Rost. The money I get from the sale of the Rogue and S300 would more than pay for the Rost. Keep the Wadi if Rost DAC does not stand up.
I am going to try get in home audition of Rost this weekend from my LD. If I fall in love with the Hegel sound I could look at one of the newer Hegels (latest DAC) and double the price but could dump the Wadia (to cover additional cost) and have everything in one box I suppose. Been running class D for many moons (not Six Moons) and am just intrigued to see if Class A/B can pull me away from my beloved Tube pre ->Class D config.

comments welcome

Showing 1 response by pkatsuleas

By all means audition the Hegel.  I purchased a H360 integrated about a month ago.  In my experience it has a neutral to slightly 'dark' leaning sound, if you will.  Very smooth, nothing really stands out.  Not exactly rolled off but certainly not bright.  No fatigue at all so far.  Plenty of power, enough to push my Maggie LRS into 90 dB without any strain.  Also tried it with my old Snell type D and Gallo 3.1.  Sounds nice with the Snells but not great with the Gallo for some reason.  Might be a good match for the Focal which tend to be a little bright from what I've read (never had a pair in house).  Let us know!      
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