Coincident Triumph vs. Zu Druid

I am considering these two speakers and will drive them with a mactone XM-IIA integrated (40w/ch KT88 design). I listen to just about everything, from classical to indie rock. I happen to be on quite a Feist kick right now. Also, i do not have a cd player - i am vinyl only. Anyone have any ideas Thanks.

Showing 1 response by undertow

I have heard both, only on demos and at different times, however fact as above pointed out above, power could be more an issue than sound, but I would also note that the Zu is really going to excel close to walls and out in the middle of a room.. I believe those coincidents will require a bit more space from what I could tell on the demos at a dealer, Just some thoughts to think about with your room. And the Zu's are in fact 6 db more efficient and are also 12 ohm load vs. 8 ohm which is nothing to sneeze at with small amps, resale is probably pretty good on both, but the Zu's seem to disappear within days and get a pretty good bulk of cash back out of them.