Coincident Total Reference = any thoughts

Looking to set up a system in my theater room- like listening to Diana Krall and such- Would this be a good speaker for this- anyone have any thoughts or have listened to this speaker??

Showing 2 responses by springbok10

It must certainly be disturbing for purchasers of the TR to find that an essential component of the speaker, the midrange driver (of which there are 4) is not manufactured any longer, and the manufacturer has nothing listed on his website about this speaker. This impacts re-sale dramatically, as evidenced by the presence on A'gon of a 5 month old TR, mint, selling at 50% of retail price, for so long. I, for one, am in the mafrket for just such a speaker, but how does one get reassurance that, should a midrange driver be damaged, such as in shipping, that a replacement will be available? It would be good to get reassurances from Coincident that replacements will be available and I will try to do that. That said, any other commments about the placement sensitivities of this speaker would be welcome, particularly the minimal distances to front and side walls (or solid obstructions, when facing inside. I would greatly appreciate hearing impressions from any owners of the TR.
How about the availability of parts for the discontinued model? How is Coincident Customer Service/Customer Relations for items not bought from them?