Coincident Total Reference = any thoughts

Looking to set up a system in my theater room- like listening to Diana Krall and such- Would this be a good speaker for this- anyone have any thoughts or have listened to this speaker??

Showing 4 responses by jhzoller

It was my impresion that the carbon fiber midrange elements were deleted. I saw that the new TV uses the same ribbon.
I cannot recommend a speaker more highly. The female voice is reproduced impeccably. In orchestral works, each instrument is seemingly isolated. I purchased the Total Reference and the Frankenstein amps and have NEVER looked back. There is an immediacy and presence that I have never experienced in a system. My collection is primarily vinyl and it has literally "come to life."

I find it incomprehensible that the Total Reference speakers that are currently for sale have not been snatched up. These are currently THE BEST deal on Agon.

I cannot imagine that the Pure Reference is substantially better than the Total Reference in view of the fact that discontinuation of an element forced the redesign. I certainly cannot imagine that the difference would justify the $11,000.00 price difference if you were to buy the pair on Agon.

I do not know this seller, I am not trying to make the sale for him. If I were in the market, I would buy these speakers in a heartbeat. I am an ENTHUSIASTIC owner of these speakers and I am just trying to "spread the good word."
Even though it is not the same speaker I would have to assume that placement characteristics would have to be very similar to the Pure Reference. Go to for an authoritative and exhaustive review of the Pure Reference (this includes his thoughts on placement). I own the Total Reference and my placement is actually nearly identical to the placement that Mr. Salvatore recommends. Obviously, I arrived at my placement independently. I had my speakers long before his review of the Pure Reference.

I must say that I have been VERY happy with the Total Reference and have no desire to upgrade. I cannot believe that the sonic differences would be substantial enough to justify the extra expense. I have to believe that the designer's goals were the same for both speakers.
I do not know. Call Israel Blume. I can tell you from my experience with Israel that he went WAY BEYOND the call of duty for me when I had a problem to the point he offered to fly down (to Virginia) to help solve the problem. I have had no prblems dealing with his company EVER. My ONLY complaint is the time it takes to get from Canada to the U.S. which is beyond the control of Coincident Technology.