coincident total eclipses/von schweikert gen 3 hse

I am about to decide btw these two speakers.

Coincident Total Eclipses or
Von Schweikert Gen 3 HSE

I will change the other components according to my speaker choice.

I mainly listen to classic music and jazz.

Any help or experience would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Dear Friends,

My final vote went to Total Eclipse 2.
Altough I was formerly in love with VR4 Gen3, after meeting te 2 and a 3 day a/b comparison of the two speakers, for me the te 2 was the clear winner in terms of every audiophile parameter (maybe except the overall musicality criteria which is really very subjective...)

After changing at least 10 speakers in the 5000-15000 $ region (wilson , proac model, von schweikert model , zu model, sonus faber, revel, jm lab utopia etc) I believe it is one of the best all around speakers and great value.

Thanks for all the comments.
The ASL1009's are 90watt amps. I switched them out for BEL 1001 MKv's mono'd (200 watts per side)which led to tighter bass, better imaging and overall presentation of the music. I have since changed out the BEL's for Lamm M1.2's which present excellent mid's and high's. The Gen3's are a real musical speaker IMO.
I found 70 tube watts to be fine for the JRs when I auditioned them, but i do not think that would be enough for the Gen 3s.
Post removed 
Thank you Byfo. It really helped.
It seems that I am moving towards vr4 gen3. Similarly I own a 1009 antique sound as you are. Do you think 60 watts are enough to drive VR4's??
Go to . Hope this helps.
Thanks byfo,

I do mean VR4 gen 3 hse. Where can I find your comparison.
I am sure it will help
Do you mean VR-4 GenIII's? If so I compared the two in one of the forum topics going back. I still have both but prefer the VR4 GenIII's. My listening tastes are newer style jazz (with good solid drumming and bass) and classical.