Coincident Super Eclipse III vs. Tyler Sig System?


Speakers that I would like to hear opinions on are the Tyler Sig System (1 or 2 piece), the Coincident Super Eclipse III, and the Devore Gibbon Super 8 (although the Devore might have the problem of getting lost a bit in there as well). I couldn't find a whole lot of opinions on the Coincident, but I get the impression that it is slated for smaller spaces as well, even though it looks like a larger speaker down to 28hz.

Musical tastes are jazz, classical, and electronic (first two are the larger emphasis though). Room size is 12x20 attached to another room (an "L) that is another 12x15, so it is a pretty big room. I was looking at the Merlin VSM, but it might not be the best choice in such as large room, although if I had a smaller space it would be at the top of my list.

To give you an idea of what I like and have heard: I thought the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus were fun and musical, with fairly tight low-end extension, the Thiel 2.4 was pretty sterile (on MF gears), the Arial Acoustics 6 was a nice, neutral speaker, but not enough of a performance difference to justify upgrading, the B&W 803D was very resolving but not as good as I expected (in a high-end Classe system-$16,000 of gears). I like a full-bodied, musical sound, but something refined with some resolution, but not excessively bloomy or chubby. I have been running a SS amp/tube pre, which seems to be musical without overdoing things.


Showing 1 response by aktchi

Stltrains: for me the musical presentation is the most important choice
Hi, I was intrigued by this statement, could you please explain a little? Besides "musical presentation" what other criteria are there? (I am not in the market right away but Tyler line does intrigue me. However, for size and weight issues, I would look at Linbrook System 2.)