Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?

Showing 9 responses by mikha65

Hi everyone, my first post at AG.
After reading the online rewievs and some threads at this forum,
I decided to order the CSLS. Audition was not an option since I live
in Sweden. Well, it finally arrived and yes, I'm in love. It has about
100 hours of break in now. I sit here with the silly " I'm in love smile "
and some tears in between. The short story is that the CSLS will make
you love your music more. It is so natural and emotional.
Special thanks to Charles1dad. Your post about the CSLS gave me
confidence to go for it!!! Everything you and others said about it is true.
If you ever come to Sweden you will have free beer at my place.
Anybody out there who has experience runing it balanced ?
I do but never heard through the RCA in/utputs.

Best regards,
No, it's not to romantic or soft for rock. I'm positiv it will play any music
you feed it with big emotion. I use mine for rock.
Brownsfan and Charles1dad, thanks. Nice to know that there is more to come. I have 125 hours on it now. My audio buddy visits me a couple of times a week and he says it improves every time. Before CSLS moved to my place he visited 1/ month. Wonder why?
I have about 250 hours now and it's absolutely unbelievable.
I had some audio friends here and their conclusion is:
Scary real.

If you are in doubt about the CSLS, please read the rewiev
The rewiever compares it to the $50.000 Viola Spirito 2.
Very interesting, to say the least .
He actually admits to have fallen in love.
He is not the only one.
Charles1dad and Brownsfan, thanks. Yes, organic and natural are are the most important words in this rewiev to me. If you never heard it this way, you don't know what you are missing . Once you do,well......

Please let me know about your experiences with power snakes.
What did you try for the CSLS?
Brownsfan, any chord that you prefer to the Airsine?
I'm using a Furitech Evolution Power-2 and it works well. I will try Sablon Audio Gran Corona soon. It's a very musical chord with high resolution, full low end, awesome dynamics, beautyfull tone and it gets the soul of the music ( must be related to the CSLS ). I have one for my power conditioner, and it transformed my system. My friend has 2 Gran Coronas, so I will be able to try them. We compared Gran Corona to Transparent Ref in his and mine setups in various components and the outcome was clear. Gran Corona was clearly better. We did short time comparison and long time too.
For me it is better to listen to one chord for some weeks and then change to the next one and then back again. When Gran Corona went out of his system, the magic went out of the door. Same result compared to Cardas Gold Ref Power. The Transparent is a old model,
but was about 3 times the price of Gran Corona.
Correction , the chord we compared to was a Transparent Powerlink Xl.
Anyway, the transparent was about 3 times the price of Gran Corona in
Sweden. Remember that we pay 30-50% more over here in Sweden when
we buy stuff from outside the EU. Sablon Audio is located in London,
so no taxes etc for EU customers.
Pap, can't imagine how great the CSLS will be with these tubes.
But I will find out.