Coincident Eclipse vs Devore

Can anyone give comparisons of the Coincident Eclipse Line of speakers vs Devore super 8's or 9's.
I have Coincident PE II's, no Devore dealers in sight and I am curious.

Showing 1 response by jax2

Two big thumbs up for my Super Eclipse III's - outstanding in every respect and one of the few conventional, dynamic driver speakers that could compete with the sound of horns for me (fast as all get-out). I've used them with 9 watt SET amps and now with a 150w SS amp and they excelled in both applications, though the SET recommendation would be limited to relatively nearfield listening. I've only heard Devore 9's at CES - they sounded great there. Obviously I cannot compare since they weren't in the same system and the same room, but they certainly sounded like fine speakers as well.