Clueless on Bi-Wiring

I am new to bi-wiring and don't really understand the pros and cons or how to bi-wire my Martin Logan SL-3s. Can someone please explain this concept to me?
I completely disagree with Leafs.....I have owned several sets of speakers that could be biwired. All of them benefited greatly in biwire mode. Most of the improvement was in midrange clarity and imaging. I recommend bi-amping speakers only if they are meant for bi-amping(with an external crossover....e.g. Magneplanars). I agree that bi-amping can sound fabulous with the right setup but I don't agree that biwiring is so wire companies can sell you more wire. Tim
Hunter go to: for complete analysis and discussion of bi-wiring. I have bi-wire set-up and agree with all points made at Vandersteen website regarding benefits of bi-wiring. I have two systems and at times I have single amp, bi-amp, and tri-amp set-ups
Just jumper them.Use a piece of the same wire as you are using for speaker wires.The whole bi wire thing is more Hi end snake oil.The reason speaker shave two sets of post is for Bi Amping witch is a real benifit.Bi wire is cable MFG grab at more wire sales supported by the Audio RAGS.
The how is pretty easy. The concept requires two sets (2 ea., + & -) of speaker cables connected at the amp end for each channel. 1 set (+ & -) is connected to the high freq drivers and 1 set to the bass driver. This can be accomplished via internally biwired cables (4 runs inside 1 jacket, 2 + connected to one amp end + termination, 2 - to the other amp end termination), which are split at the speaker end; or via dual or shotgun biwire (2 discrete cables for each channel, + [and -] terminated together at amp, separately for the high and low freg driver at the speaker end. Kind of hard to type out, but easy to draw. Avguygeorge is right about the pros and cons, lots of threads, a search should give you more than enough to think about.
There dozens of pro-con in previous threads.Not that long ago---look them up---you'll get all your ans., and you won't have to wait