Clueless and Seeking advice on TT purchase

Hi All:
I need a turntable without breaking the bank. Range about $1,200 - 2,000. Must admit I've lost track (actually I was never on track) of what is what in this price range and I've been so busy I can't spend that much time checking it out so I seek your advice. I see several units out there.

Basis 1400

Oracle MKII

The good news is that it is going in a system that is almost all diy by yours truly so it won't make that much difference anyway! I'm using my proprietary zip-cord for interconnects.

Thanks in Advance

I remain,

Showing 2 responses by dougdeacon

I second Twl's recommendation. If you can DIY a plinth this would be a great way to go. Search the recent threads here for two other guys that are doing this project now.

The core of any TT is the bearing, and the Teres bearing is well beyond anything else in this price range. You'd have to go to a high end Basis model to equal or better it.

The Teres DC motor is quieter and more speed stable than the AC motors on the other tables mentioned. VA has quite a few testimonials from owners of other TT's (including some recommended on this thread) who've achieved substantial performance improvements by changing to a Teres motor. Why not just start with the best?

The motor controller circuit is world class. Some TT's make you twist knobs or, even worse, fiddle the belt to fine tune speed. The Teres motor controller makes the platter speed self-stabilizing.

Even the least expensive Teres platter is more massive than others in this price range. That gives it greater resistance to feedback resonances and stylus drag.

Sorry to go on, but in your position anyone with DIY skills who's concerned about bang-for-the-buck should consider this solution.

Enjoy the tunes whatever you do!