Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy

As stated in the subject, I'm new to turntables, and would like to buy my first turntable. I've got an old NAD integrated AMP and Triangle Titus speakers.

To be perfectly honest, I know absolutely nothing about turntables. Cartridges, weighing etc etc....

I guess I'm looking to buy something used or a cheap new turntable. Thinking of the pro-ject debut 3, or maybe the rega p1. Though I'm slightly hesitant to spend $3-400 on a table I know nothing about. Will the Pro-Ject need some sort of adapter to play 45s?

Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with CDs?
Just read this thread for the first time... Congratulations on having the perserverance to take the vinyl plunge in spite of all the stuff written in this thread.

But count me as one of those people who thinks a dirty record played on a crappy turntable still sounds better than CD. Your setup should be immensely enjoyable.

Cheers, and welcome aboard!

just read the thread too. Bully for you Knotgreen. Funny thing, everyone was very helpful and receptive to me and my tt quest which I ended up with a refurbed Dual CS-721 ($199.00) and I stuck a Ortofon "blue" 2M ($189.00) on it blowing thru a Bellari VP-130 ($207 plus I swapped chinese tube for a $27 Mullard) and I LOVE the sound. Granted I done this piece by piece but it was well worth it. My bonus was I kept my vinyl collection from back when I was in the Army but I buy a couple of records a week just like I did when I started into CD's. I think I have a pretty decent digital front end (C.E.C. CD3300R, vacuum tube DAC 68 w/ Ei Elites) and the Who's Quadrophenia on CD can't touch my vinyl sound. This ain't one of those 180 gram records or nothing, it's the same record that I bought in the early 80's. Like it was said earlier in this post, I'll upgrade something sooner or later but I done the same thing with my digital rig so whats the difference?!? 2 dac's and 4 cd players and 4 grand later I got the sound I wanted. It only took me $622.00 to get what I wanted out of vinyl. Oh forgot to add $50 for cleaning stuff. It's a hobby/obsession! Get in and gear up! And welcome to the world of vinyl!
I know this is an old post but I am just curious Knotgreen, are you still spinning vinyl and enjoying your AT rig? Has the upgrade bug bitten or are you spending your hard earned cash on buying LPs?