Clou Blue Jaspis for Senn HD 580/600 Headphones

Can anyone who has replaced stock Sennheiser cord with Blue Jaspis (or Red Jaspis) comment on what effect it has on sound. Is this a significant upgrade over stock cords?

I know they look very cool, do they sound as good as they look?

Showing 1 response by skipperrik

I have tried the Clou Red Jaspis cables using a Wheatfield HA-2 amp and found the high frequencies to be objectionably harsh. Even after an extended break in, the highs and mids seemed to be exagerated and were extremely hard to listen to. However, if you are using one of Headroom's amplifiers, the exageration of the highs could be a plus since the cross feed circuit rolls off the highs. In comparing the Max with the HA-2 I found the Max to be dull and lifeless due to the cross feed. Perhaps the Red/Blue Jaspis could liven it up a bit.