Cloth vs paper surround

Posting for a friend he is about to have new surrounds  on speakers,. the original speakers are paper the repair service said he could also go with cloth which will last much longer he's wondering if this will degrade the sound. Opinions or experience with this please. 


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

ALWAYS go with the original material, the surround can be considered like the suspension of a cartridge's cantilever, CONTROLLING Movement.

My vintage electrovoice 15" woofers from 1958 MUST be cloth.

Last much longer: To alter the response, more than likely detrimentally for every day of their longer life is a 'wrong' decision. Paper lasts a long time, the original surround for that size cone is likely to be around for generations!

Avoid any hvac heat discharge nearby, shut that vent to prevent premature aging/drying of the paper. Very dry house, get a whole house humidifier or if radiators nearby, add water gizmos,