Closest DAC to Vinyl Sound?

I love my vinyl, but sometimes it's a pain to keep flipping sides. I also have a lot of digital music (WAV, FLAC and MP3) that doesn't sound half bad through my Soundblaster X FI Titanium Fatality. But I'm wondering, is there a better way to enjoy digital? How would an external DAC stack up? Can anyone recommend a DAC that has that analog sound, or is it wishful thinking? Associated equipment includes Sound Valves VTP 101, Aragon 2004 and Large Advent Speakers. I also have an Adcom GCD 750 cd player that can accept a coax input.

Showing 2 responses by 2chnlben

Your question is an oxymoron, digital is digital, analogue is analogue.


You gotta love this site!

My point was that the question Hayraz raised was not an oxymoron. Poor grammar, regardless of the venue isÂ…well, still poor grammar.

Thanks anyway Tobias, I know you meant well...!