Clipping with Separates with change of Power Conditioner[?]

I have two Furman Power Conditioners. The one connected to my power amp went out recently. Nothing I can do allows it to work. I replaced with a W-Audio AC Power Filter Power Conditioner - Power Purifier with Surge Protector. I initially hooked up the items for the Furman to the Filtered Plugs on the W-Audio. In playing songs that get to higher volume, the items driven through the Power Amp would go dark while the subs continued to play the tunes.

My Power Amp is Class D [NAD c268 being run at stereo = 80 WPC].  My Pre-Amp is a Naim NAC 272.

Is my assumption correct that this is a power amp issue or compatibility issue between the Power Amp and the new W-Audio Power Filter Conditioner?


Showing 2 responses by harpo75

Tomcarr - Yes you are correct. I have (3) 20amp lines wired directly from the breaker box. Oversized copper conduit with Furutech AC Rhodium plated outlets. Then of course good AC cabling to the isolation transformers. I’ve also replaced the outlet in the transformers with Furutech AC sockets and rewired them internally.

Naturally there's always better and more you can do.  This is the best I can afford for now.  But always adding little tweaks as I come across deals on things I can add. 

I’m a big believer in isolation transformers.  Really clean up the sound. I use a large 20amp Equi=Tech balanced isolation transformer unit for my preamp, etc.  I would still plug my mono-block  tube amps directly into the wall until I found a couple of 8 amp isolation transformers to plug each in to which has worked very nicely.  Just sound cleaner.  I also have a couple of smaller (5amp) isolation transformers that I plug all the little wall warts, etc into the power the network switch, light, turntable, etc.  This keeps digital crap from getting back into the line. 
Makes for a very quiet system.